Fire Keeper


Title: Fire Keeper
Subtitle: Self-Expression, Reimagined

Print Size: 8″ x 8″

My first published book!

27 in stock


“I’m not creative.”

If you’ve ever uttered those words, then ‘Fire Keeper’ is for you.

Inside you’ll find aesthetically pleasing pages, with beautiful images and brief, digestible words. What you will not find is a falsely positive self-help book.

Everyone is creative. If you don’t believe that for yourself, then you’ve simply forgotten or been convinced otherwise. And this book is here to challenge those beliefs – Self-expression, Reimagined.

While on the one hand this book is simply a slice into one woman’s exploration of self-expression, it is also an invitation (or bash to the head) to start asking yourself deeper personal questions.

The simple truth is this: creativity is what makes life worth living. What if you haven’t found your outlet yet? Keep going until you do. And then keep going after that, because the world needs your unique brand of creativity, now more than ever.