Self-expression, reimagined.

Self-Expression – noun

self-ex·​pres·​sion | \ ˌself-ik-ˈspre-shən

“The expression of your thoughts or feelings especially through artistic activities”

The Blank Canvas is the safe space I designed for myself and others to pursue their creative endeavours with a sense of spark, freedom and reverence. In this space, mistakes are not only allowed, they’re celebrated.

I love working with people who ooze colour and crave magic -people who have gifts to share but aren't sure what the next step is. Let’s work together to unleash more joy onto the canvas of your life.

The vision is to shift the global consciousness around self-expression. As a collective, Art and Creativity tend to take a back burner to more serious pursuits. They are the things we do when we have time. And yet, where would we be without [art, music, cooking, film, writing…insert creative activity here].

The world would be a pretty beige and boring place. As the saying goes, “Earth without Art is just Eh.”

That being said, I don’t believe “doing” more art is the answer. It’s not an either/or equation. Those serious pursuits are important AND I truly believe they would be better served by fully self-expressed individuals. Artists can sometimes get stuck because they fear “getting it wrong,” are preoccupied with “getting it just right,” or are halted because of their clients’ concerns (which, hey, usually pays the bills).


In this space, I provide resources and support to shine more light and colour on those more serious aspects of life. Painting that first brush stroke on a blank canvas is the most difficult piece of a project, but it can also be the most exciting.