Unlock your creativity and unlock the power of living a creative life.

Any of the following sound familiar?


You’ve noticed yourself looking at other folk’s creative pursuits with more jealousy and resentment lately. You’re craving more community and feel an irresistable pull to rekindle your creative spark but you’re not sure how to start. You have so many ideas that come and go, wrapped up in the story that you’ll never be the next [INSERT FAMOUS PERSON HERE].


So why bother?


I created this group out of the heartfelt knowledge that self-expression is what makes life worth living. Not everyone is “traditionally creative” in the sense that painting or drawing is their love, but EVERYONE IS CREATIVE.


And the world needs our creativity, now more than ever. 

“Living a creative life” – What does that even mean?

Most people when they hear the word “creative” immediately think “art,” which is fair – that is the most common definition.

Creativity IS art and it’s also so much more than art. Creative energy at its core contributes to any form of innovation; any time you spend time problem-solving you are tapping into your creative well. There are no limitations on when you’re utilizing this energy either – home, work, sleeping, exercising, creating a painting, planning an adventure, etc…

It can be difficult sometimes to relate to vague new perspectives, so I made a list of a few of the tangible ways “unlocking my creativity” has contributed positively to my life:

  • I have better focus and efficiency in all areas (most notably at my day job)

  • I’m able to slow down and rest more often (without constantly worrying if the downtime is making me behind)

  • My energy foundation is more grounded and spacious

  • I make time for the things I want to prioritize, and my health and wellness are taken care of

  • My capacity to problem solve moment to moment is much higher because my tank is not running close to empty

  • I am less likely to be taken out by small inconveniences

  • Going with the flow – Schedule changes have less of an impact on my psyche, I know I’m able to create something to accommodate the update

  • More Joy

  • More “Big scary emotions” – I’m no longer worried that I will never escape them once they’ve started

  • Everything contributes to the whole of my life, rather than feeling siloed

  • I make infinitely more time for inspiration – or creative intake if you will. This helps me feel energized when I am in creative outlet mode.

  • My art and creative expression are of equal importance as my normal “productivity”

  • I notice more of the beauty of the world, particularly in places where I’d previously overlooked it

What's Included

This group is for you if you're ready...

To put down the “I’m not creative” identity you’ve been holding on to


To breathe inspiration + purpose back into your daily life and gain the creative support you’ve been craving


To re-gain trust in yourself as the resourceful, creative, self-expressed individual you are


To dust off your list of creative goals and receive tools + support to take those ideas across the finish line


To rediscover what brings you JOY and get out from under the story that it’s only worth doing if you can be “successful” at it


To ground into Self-Expression as your foundation for living, rather than something you maybe, one day make time for


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